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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hunting For Music Just Got Better

I'm not usually the one with an over the top rave, but you have to check this thing out... Musicovery. Well, I still like it. Even more than before. Sure there's an Amazon banner and ads, but they go away with the new option to pay for CD-quality sound.The whole thingamajigg is to die for especially you're in a hunt for new, fresh and out-of-this-world music experience. This is the most beautiful well designed program that is ver created to satisfy new-music hunters like myself. If you want to explore the realm of music deeper and are open to endless possibilities to adopting a new favourtie gig, Musicovery is for you. It's amazingly beautiful, useable, friendly (courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave and clean.) "Reverent" is is not, and that's all that remains of my extremely short boyscout career The relatively small dashboard lets you plot points and ranges for temp and mood, genre, decade, and to indicate whether you want it to return hits or not. Don't miss the ability to dive deep into any genre. Clicking any box expands it into another grid.ains of my brief stint as a boyscout as well. So, start turning your volume, click the play button and lets the unpredictable sounds of music heal your soul!


Blogger joey said...

i cannot tell you how happy i am with this site! =)

1:04 AM  

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