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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ivy League Freaks You're in Luck!

So, what is this event abut anyway, well my friends tell me to spread the word about this one time evnt happening soon in July. It's a great event to attend especially if you're thinking of going to U.S to further your study, you wouldn't wanna miss this. I myself of course plan to head for a Columbia Education, because it's a good school.

So, Ivy League freaks, do come to this event yeah!
Basically, this education fair is unique from other education fairs, in the sense that the exhibitors are fellow Malaysians who have been accepted into all these top universities in US, as well as studied there, and some haveeven graduated from there. These bunch of people are the best people to ask advice on how to getting into such institution. As of now, 47 top tier universities, including Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Columbia, MIT, University of Pennsylvania etc have confirmed their participation.

For full details, please check out at .
Please help to spread the words around. See you on 16th July at Sunway Pyramid Convention Center.