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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Celebrate Asians In The Eye of American Media

The "Melting pot" once again host the ever popular 29th Asian American International Film Festival in NYC. The fest is a great way to portray asian americans in the film industry in a positive way, saying that we are active in the business and we're just as talented as other minorities as well. And so to join in the fever of Asian Films and unleash the 'wild dragon' in me, All this month I'll be analyzing on east asian films. I bought lots of International Asian Films, (in fakey piracy of course) and most of the films are directors from the east to the U.S born...=) all fakeys coz it's really expensive and hard to get here in KL. Lots of great films to catch up and aspiring directors to discover here are the three films I'd watched at my four-walled room filled with the air of total boredness:

After The Apocalypse: A Film shot in a bleak black & white photography, the film is a futuristic fable about coming back to life. Four men and one woman have survived a third World War. They have lost everything, their past lives and the use of their tongue. Now, they must give meaning to their "new world" and restore the basics of communication. A philosophic meditation of rare beauty and simplicity.Directed by Yasuaki Nakajima.

The Fast And The Furious Tokyo Drift: This distinctive, Japanese style of driving defines a new type of driver whose technique must blend effortlessly with daring speed, where control in the realm of no control is more important than crossing the finish line first.Directed by Justin Lin, an Asian American Director. I must say that T.F.F.3 is one of the best in the all 3 series and this one I'd watched it in the cinema because I only watch films on fakies when they are not available on screen.

I'm beginning to immerse myself in Korean films which has quite a distinctive voice in the public eye in the present. It's amazing to see that Korean films have grown maturely and more creative in story and the way it is written, there's a provocative quality compared to its western counterparts. So here's two films which stand out, and gave me a new view about Korean films.

TYPHOON:A treacherous scheme is being carried out that will result in the death of millions across the Korean Peninsula.It's action packed and it makes your brains do the thinking...more like those HK Mafia films.
The King And The Clown: Was a big hit in The Korean Film Industry back in 2005 arrives worldwide and in the states as well. Now this one, I watched it on a fakey and piracy version of course sucked::bad quality,the film was not shown in M'sia just like Brokeback Mtn. This film is kind of like the Asian version of Brokeback but with a little twist. Love the way Korean and partially American Director, Lee Joon Ik directed the film. One thing that stand out is the portrayal of how forbidden love can affect humankind and it makes society view sexual orientation and gender equality and as always an emotionally intense movie to watch like Korean and Japanese Films. It hits your gut!

Don't think I can make it for the film fest but it's in August and it's close to day I depart...but at least I get to see some of the films this week and beyond. But I'm gonna miss my fav actress, Sandra Oh, love her role in ABC's Hit series Grey's Anatomy. Click here to listen to Sandra on what she has to say on her career and Asian American in the Media these days.
The festival website is live and tickets are now on sale! Visit for a complete lineup of programs, panels, and events; order tickets, find out about our competitive categories; check venue locations and mark your calendars for 12 days of Asian/Asian American finest cinematic achievements!Selected screenings of the above films I'd watched will be taking place on August 3-6 at Stony Brook University’s Charles B. Wang Center.Visit Stony Brook University!


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