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Thursday, July 13, 2006

What's With Gyms These Days?

Hey, all you gym freaks, no maybe You are but I'm turning into one. All of a sudden, It's kind of like my routine, sometimes I feel sick going there but then again after that scrumptious dinner at's a lifesaver! So what is so fascinating about going to the gym, well to me the reason is I burn off the stuff I eat evryday and I feel great about it, I could just eat anything but wait a minute isn't unfair. I mean we eat the stuff we like we have to earn not just but paying for it but you gotta lose it at the end by losing it you gotta work hard losing it....does even make sense, wish it does. That's how we humans live our lives we enjoy, we pay the price. Sick! Spending a day at the gym is sometimes refreshing but I get tired watching the TV there, lots of crap especially if you're in Malaysia. The one I'm going now, FF in Summit, I get a bit bored going there, but I love the RPM classes though. Now, what about weight trainning, yes I had a pledge to myself that I'm working my body, building muscle and toning up. Finally, inspired to get the model bodies on the mags. Today, I feel like I'm fucked with the weights I'm carrying...they are pretty light, embarassed actually, but hey you gotta build and go slow with it. At least I'm trying out. Pretty hard though. Still gotta watch what I eat. "The body is my temple" I forgot who quoted that, neat! Lots of stuff to learn when you wanna have a body to kill, thinking about protein and all those supplements and lifting positions and reps, all that shit.

Since I'm going to the U.S soon and stuff, I might continue weight training there but it's gonna be like a competition, guys there lift triple the weights asian guys here lift. I feel disgusted but its all the genes, huh? Kay, I'm really psyche about tomorrow because I'm meeting up gurlfriend from Wisconsin and not ur average gurl( trust me on this), just a really good friend of mine. And guess what, a try-out at California Fitness. Heard lots of great stuff about the place, too bad I'm not here for long. Nooo...god I just ate a bar of choc...well guys it's back to the gym for now.